Wednesday, September 27, 2006

from antenatal class

Bappy and I attended the free antenatal class organised by Kuching Specialist Hospital. We received quite a number of free gifts from the organiser. :D So happy!

- some free gifts I got from the class -

The free gifts contains of:-

  1. Winnie the Pooh Calendar
  2. Soothing music CD
  3. Neurogain fish oil for children
  4. baby milk powder
  5. Abbott receiving blanket
  6. Abbott wet tissue
  7. Mamy Poko wet tissue
  8. mummy magazines
  9. few brochures on baby's thingy

The gifts that I love most:-

- NeuroGain for children -

- soothing music CD for mother-to-be -

I just knew there is Neurogain fish oil for children in the market. All the while I thought only have Neurogain fish oil for preggies. It's so lovely to have this expensive sample as Neurogain is a trusted and popular brand in Singapore. :P

I'm happy to have this soothing music CD. But ar... I not yet listen to it. The CD still nicely wrapped and collecting dust at home. Stupid me! Should have bring it to office or my 'toitoise' car to listen ley... what a waste...

About the class

Muahaha! I met 2 female friends there! We never meet each other after so long (years). So happy to know they are pregnant and having baby this year like me. :) They are hie ling (my excollege mates) and lee choo (exschoolmates). Hie Ling's EDD is end of November while Lee Choo's EDD is end of December. Wow! We will having doggie babies. I'm not alone! I'm not alone!

Before the class starts, I told bappy that after this antenatal class, I'm sure he will pamper me more and more. :P To me, the most interesting sessions are 'How a baby is born' and 'breastfeeding'. Aiyo, what so interesting since I'm already a mummy for 3 years?? Hahaha!!

During the session 'How a baby is born', they played a video tape showing the whole process of vaginal birth. After watching it, bappy said it's soooo 'unexplainable' experience - amazing, horrible, pain, surprises, happiness... yes, by just watching video, we got such feelings... but when you are the one who give birth in the labour ward, you will get 3 feeling... number 1 feeling is pain, number 2 feeling is pain again and and the last feeling is still PAIN!

As for 'breastfeeding' session, we watched a video on how to breastfeed a baby in proper way. It is so miracle I would say! I don't know how to put the feeling in words. Eh! Not the breast is miracle okay. Is the magic response of a baby to mummy's breast. It's so amazing to me. Hehe. Yes, I got more confidence in breastfeeding now. Hopefully I can do it.

- unsubmitted feedback form -

As you can see, I didn't submit my feedback form at the end of the class. I went home before the class ends. The session was too long for me. I can't stay any longer in the class as there are many couples attending the class which make the room sooo humid. Hm.. maybe the room is too small for such number of people to stay. I scared I would fainted during the session. I can't take that risk lar. So, I missed the pain relief and tour & delivery suite sessions. :(

Is the Antenatal class....

  1. Too short
  2. Just right
  3. Too long

Yes! the class is Too Long for me!


At 12:57 PM, Blogger eVea said...

wah so many free gifts. :)~~ so when there is a next time, let me know. i pretend to be pregnant and slip in... for the free gifts. then pass them all to u. u will have two sets then... happy onot? hehehe

At 2:25 PM, Blogger little_mummy said...

evea.. yea.. im happy to have more.. wuahhaa! greedy me!

At 2:26 PM, Blogger little_mummy said...

yes. save money hor.. :) but dunno i able to do it or not.. only know when it's time


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