Thursday, August 10, 2006

Fish Oil Good or Bad?

Is it safe to take omega 3 fish oil supplements during pregnancy? Actually not all fish oil supplements suit for preggie mothers. Okay, my dear preggie friends, please be aware that there are 2 types of fish oil supplements -- those made from the liver of the fish and those made from the body of the fish.

Preggie mothers should avoid supplements made from the liver of the fish, such as cod liver oil because it contains the retinol form of Vitamin A, which can be harmful to a developing baby. As for fish oil that derived from the body of the fish contains lots of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid).

DHA, also known as omega 3 fatty acid is essential for your baby's normal brain, eye and vision development, especially during the last trimester. Some experts recommend eating two fish meals per week. Fish especially rich in omega 3 fatty acids include tinned or fresh mackerel, shark, swordfish, marlin, salmon, sardines and tuna. But there are reports saying fish from the sea can contain high levels of mercury. Developing children and preggie mothers are more sensitive to the mercury in fish. So, it is better for you to take a fish oil supplement if you want to increase your intake of omega-3 fatty acids without adding mercury to your body. Get your gynae to recommend you one or choose one formulated specially for pregnant mothers. Fish oil supplement is kind of main source of omega 3 for those are not a big fish eater or NOT a fish eater at all. :) So, you don't have to force yourself to eat fish you never like in your life. Haha.

Also, fish oil reduces the blood’s ability to clot, which makes it dangerous if you have uncontrolled hypertension, a clotting disorder, or you’re taking blood thinners. My sister-in-law actually advised me to stop taking fish oil supplements at least 2 months before my EDD. So, I suggest you to ask your gynae how far you can take fish oil supplements during your pregnancy if you are taking some now. :)


At 10:44 AM, Blogger Mystique said...

Won't that make you suffer from blood loss should you have an injury that leads to a bleeding wound that wouldn't stop?

At 5:08 PM, Blogger little_mummy said...

Should get advice from your gynae if you want to take fish oil supplement lor.. u can eat more jagung then! Vitamin K that will improve the ability of blood to clot. :D


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