Thursday, November 20, 2008

how sad...

After serious consideration and discussion with Bappy, I decided to stop breastfeeding because of some reasons... some unavoided reasons.. sigh.. my dear Jayden.. Hope he won't blame me when he grow up for not giving him as much breastmilk as his brother.

According to my gynae, there is some baby sac membrane left in my womb and there is infection already. I have to take some antibiotics for a week. She said my breastmilk will taste bitter after taking the antibiotics. Hm.. then I would prefer my Jayden take milk powder than taking my bitter breastmilk. Breastmilk with medicine taste?! argh! I might need to go through a minor operation to clean my womb if I'm still have bleeding by next week. So, I hope I can recovered myself after taking antibiotics. And I need more rest and blesses... so, I decided to stop breastfeeding.

How sad...


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