Tuesday, April 14, 2009

feeling SO great!

Guys! you know what?!

My company starts to have alternate Saturday off starting this April 2009! It's a great change that I waited for so long!!

6 years long battle (I according to my boss), fighting for Saturdays OFF! and now I finally see the impossible becomes possible! Now we having alternative Saturday off, soon or later we will have ALL Saturdays off! Weee~~~!!!! Thanks for the seniors who have fight for us years back.

This news makes me happy and touched! Now, I have two FREE Saturday morning in a month to 'pak tor' while doing housework with bappy! you know, is easy to do housework without the kids at home. So happy! :D I hope I don't need to wait for long to have ALL Saturdays off.

Hehe. I was drunk in happiness till forget to post this memorable change in my memory lane.